A Brazilian brand born in Caxias do Sul, RS, in 2004, which emerged with the objective of seeking the perfect association between design, nature and sustainability, working with solid wood in its different forms.
From the beginning, Origin has adopted a philosophy that prioritizes responsible production and is concerned with preserving the environment.
Therefore, its products are produced with wood of legal origin, coming from plantations grown in Brazil, Uruguay, USA and Europe and certified by the respective environmental control bodies. A fundamental feature that, in addition to its ethical aspects, guarantees economic benefits, as it ensures a reliable and sustainable supply.
Therefore, its products are produced with wood of legal origin, coming from plantations grown in Brazil, Uruguay, USA and Europe and certified by the respective environmental control bodies. A fundamental feature that, in addition to its ethical aspects, guarantees economic benefits, as it ensures a reliable and sustainable supply.
A Brazilian brand born in Caxias do Sul, RS, in 2004, which emerged with the objective of seeking the perfect association between design, nature and sustainability, working with solid wood in its different forms.
From the beginning, Origin has adopted a philosophy that prioritizes responsible production and is concerned with preserving the environment.
Therefore, its products are produced with wood of legal origin, coming from plantations grown in Brazil, Uruguay, USA and Europe and certified by the respective environmental control bodies. A fundamental feature that, in addition to its ethical aspects, guarantees economic benefits, as it ensures a reliable and sustainable supply.
Therefore, its products are produced with wood of legal origin, coming from plantations grown in Brazil, Uruguay, USA and Europe and certified by the respective environmental control bodies. A fundamental feature that, in addition to its ethical aspects, guarantees economic benefits, as it ensures a reliable and sustainable supply.
A Brazilian brand born in Caxias do Sul, RS, in 2004, which emerged with the objective of seeking the perfect association between design, nature and sustainability, working with solid wood in its different forms.
From the beginning, Origin has adopted a philosophy that prioritizes responsible production and is concerned with preserving the environment.
Therefore, its products are produced with wood of legal origin, coming from plantations grown in Brazil, Uruguay, USA and Europe and certified by the respective environmental control bodies. A fundamental feature that, in addition to its ethical aspects, guarantees economic benefits, as it ensures a reliable and sustainable supply.
Therefore, its products are produced with wood of legal origin, coming from plantations grown in Brazil, Uruguay, USA and Europe and certified by the respective environmental control bodies. A fundamental feature that, in addition to its ethical aspects, guarantees economic benefits, as it ensures a reliable and sustainable supply.
A Brazilian brand born in Caxias do Sul, RS, in 2004, which emerged with the objective of seeking the perfect association between design, nature and sustainability, working with solid wood in its different forms.
From the beginning, Origin has adopted a philosophy that prioritizes responsible production and is concerned with preserving the environment.
Therefore, its products are produced with wood of legal origin, coming from plantations grown in Brazil, Uruguay, USA and Europe and certified by the respective environmental control bodies. A fundamental feature that, in addition to its ethical aspects, guarantees economic benefits, as it ensures a reliable and sustainable supply.
Therefore, its products are produced with wood of legal origin, coming from plantations grown in Brazil, Uruguay, USA and Europe and certified by the respective environmental control bodies. A fundamental feature that, in addition to its ethical aspects, guarantees economic benefits, as it ensures a reliable and sustainable supply.
Em 2021 o Aparados Off Road encaminhou doações para as cidades parceiras do evento:
- Para São José dos Ausentes foram doados 40 cobertores para a comunidade carente atingida por um temporal de granizo em setembro de 2021.
- Cambará do Sul recebeu 20 cestas básicas com kit de higiene incluso.
- O Centro Social Padre Franco, de Canela, também recebeu 20 cestas básicas + kit de higiene.
A galera responsável pela Trilha, a turma da ST-10, abriu mão do valor destinado à cobertura de seus custos no evento para realizar duas ações sociais.
Foram comprados 5 computadores e periféricos e mais dois estabilizadores para duas escolas, uma no Silveira, em São José dos Ausentes, e outra em Jaquirana. Também foram adquiridos mangueiras para os bombeiros voluntários de Jaquirana.